18 March 2014

Braided updo #3 | Fonott konty #3

I love seeing pictures about hairdos and then figuring out how to do it. I saw a photo on Pinterest about this hairdo and it was very easy to find out how to achive it. I think it looks georgeous and I want to share it with you.

Szeretek frizurákról képeket nézegetni, aztán kitalálni, hogyan is lehetne elkészíteni. Láttam egy fotót Pinterest-en, aminek az elérését nagyon könnyű volt kigondolni. Szerintem csodásan néz ki, ezért szeretném megosztani veletek.

How to:

1. Make 3 even ponytails one above the other.
    Készíts 3 egyenletes copfot egymás fölött.
2. Braid each of them.
    Fond be mindegyiket.
3. Wrap them around their base one by one. So they will be little buns.
    Egyenként tekerd körbe a fonatokat a tövük körül, így kis kontyokat formálva.
4. Fix them in place with bobby pins.
    Rögzítsd őket hullámcsatokkal.

So the 3 little buns make 1 updo in the end. The lady on the picture had shorter hair so it looked a little differently. And mine turned out quite messy.

Így végül a 3 kis kontyból lesz 1 konty. A hölgynek a képen rövidebb haja volt, így a végeredmény is egy kicsit másmilyen lett. Az enyém ráadásul elég kócosra sikerült. :)

I have a Pinterest account now. Check it out! :)

Már van Pinterest oldalam is. Nézzétek meg! :)



  1. Gyönyörű lett! :)

  2. Annyira gyönyörű hajad van :3

  3. Lovely! I have had long hair all my life, but I can't do much at all with it. I spent most of my life putting it in a simple bun for dance class and never learned any other styles. So now I'm nearly 30 and all I can do is it put it in a ponytail, a bun, or a very messy braid. My goal this year is to learn 2 new styles, and your blog looks soooo helpful! I'm definitely a new follower. :)

    1. Thank you so much! Do not worry, it just takes practice! I am sure you can reach your goal! I am happy to help with it! :)

  4. I can't believe how easy this looks! I have been looking for a good way to style my hair for an upcoming wedding outside in the humidity- this will do!

    1. I am very happy that you can use this idea! :) Send me a picture if you made this hairstyle! ;)

  5. Best. Thing. Ever.
    Must. Do. Always.

    I'm totally going to try this! :)

    Thanks for linking up with Lovely Thursdays! :)

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the linking up as well! :)

